Rules and Regulation of Hanoi Zoo
02.10.2009 09:03
Hanoi zoo exists for the people of Vietnam. We contribute to the conservation of animals, through the breeding of endangered species, research into the live of these animals and the education of the public to help protect the animals in their natural habitats.
Please could all visitors assist Hanoi Zoo help us to achieve this by observing the following regulations.
1. Do not cross any of the public barriers- they are there for your safety. Many of the animals that we care for here can be dangerous
2. You must not feed or throw anything at or to the animals. You must not tease or scare any of the animals.
3. Hanoi Zoo works hart to maintain the attractive surroundings. Do not damage the plants, trees or flowers. Do not walk on the grass.
4. Permission must be sought to camp or drill soldiers in the zoo
5. Do not bring weapons, guns, explosives or incendiaries into the zoo. You may not fist or swim in the lake - it is dangerous.
6. You must get permission to take photographs or film which is to be used for commercial or publication purposes.
7. All transportation must be left in the regulation parking areas.
8. Anyone visiting on any zoo business must check in with the staff at the entrance and provide them with identification.
You must at all time behave respectfully in a manner conducive to a civilised way of life. Do not make any noise or damage the beautiful surroundings of Hanoi Zoo. Opening time: Summer: 07.00 - 17.30 Winter: 07.00 - 17.00
Entrance fee: Adults: 2,000 VND (0,13 USD) Children: 1,000 VND (0,07 USD).
Hanoi Zoological Gardens Address: Thu Le - Ba Dinh District - Hanoi - Vietnam Tel: (84.4) 834 7395 - 766 0707 Fax: (84.4) 766 3439 Email: Website:
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